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Welcome to IBSPoint Medical Appointment!

IBSPoint Medical Appointment Clinic is a full-service medical clinic with five Board Certified Family physicians, a Board Certified General/Gynecological Surgeon and four Board Certified mid-level providers (Physician’s Assistant & Nurse Practitioners).

Our Mission
Our Clinic is a vital resource for this country and the surrounding area and provides state-of-the-art healthcare to improve our quality of life.

Since 1981, the mission of the Our Foundation has been to promote and enhance the care available at the our Clinic by providing a vehicle whereby individuals and organizations can give gifts and memorials to fund current and ongoing needs. If you do not see the health-related web link, our contact information, brochure, news item or medical information you were hoping for on these pages, contact us at 123.456.7890 ext. 123 and she will be happy to help you track it down for you.

Electronic Health Records

To better manage the health needs of our patients, all three North Basin Medical Clinics use Electronic Health Records. To find out more about how this service works and the benefits to you, the patient, contact our Help Desk tel.: +9626 515 3653

Working Hours

Our Clinic is located on the Presidents Hospital Medical Campus at 100 North 3rd Street in our sity.

9 am—5 pm

8 am—Noon